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What problems should be considered in the design of thermal compensation for thermal power pipelines

1. Make full use of pipe corners for natural compensation;

2. When elbow compensator or axial bellows compensator is used, cold tightening during installation shall be considered;

3. When casing compensator is used, the installation length under various installations shall be calculated to ensure that the compensator has a compensation margin of not less than 20mm under the highest and lowest possible temperature of the pipeline;

4. When an axial bellows compensator is used, a guide bracket shall be installed on the pipe to prevent the instability of the bellows;

When casing compensator, spherical compensator and articulated bellows compensator are used, and the compensation pipe section is too long, guide support shall also be set at an appropriate position

5. When one pipe is directly laid on the other, the influence of different thermal displacement of two pipes under the most unfavorable operating condition shall be considered.

6. Directly buried pipelines should be laid without compensation.